Vacation Bible School

Get the Materials You Need for Vacation Bible School with TRADE CENTRAL

When you order through TRADE CENTRAL, you can get bulk discounts on popular items such as books, t-shirts, activity kits, and more. With special pricing available, you can save time, money, and effort while still providing your congregation and community with the highest quality VBS materials. Plus, we offer (9) nine unique VBS themes this year, so you are sure to find something that meets your needs!

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Group Publishing

Call 800.447.1070 and use account number 54034.
No need to pay upfront - Trade will invoice your location directly.

Trade Discount:
Starter Kits - 20% OFF; Supplemental - 10% OFF; Music - 20% OFF

Orange VBS

Create a VBS experience full of energy, movement, and lots of God’s Word.
Plus TSA gets a discount at checkout using: TSAVBS24

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Church Partner offers supplemental supplies for many VBS themes.
Call 800.572.0550 to set up an account under The Salvation Army.
Discounted prices are reflected on the ChurchPartner Website.

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a subsidiary of Oriental Trading

Through our corporate purchasing program, Fun Express offers supplemental supplies for many VBS themes with a discount of 20% off of the Oriental Trading catalog! Request a username and password at If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Karen at or call 800.541.8200.

Contact TradeCentral for Questions:

If you have any questions while planning your Vacation Bible School, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are committed to making your VBS planning as easy and stress-free as possible. (800.937.8896 or USORDERS@USC.SALVATIONARMY.ORG)