A New People of God, A Study in Salvationism

Product Code: 0200111040
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  • By John R. Rhemick, Ph.D.
  • 251 pages.
  • Published 1984, The Salvation Army
The Cover has been inspired by this dramatic expression in The Officer of 1893 in an article on the work of officers.

"Our work...to create a new people for God out of the raw material around us." Like Ezekiel our Army is to come "...from the dead."

"...dead in sin, dead to their highest interests, dead to God's claims dead to the dangers of eternity without God;..."

"To definitely get a sinner converted and enrolled and in fighting form, is a greater victory than putting a dozen people on the rolls, who are members of churches and missions,..."

"Go for the dead, and out of those ranks create a force who shall stand for God."

"Nothing calls attention in the house so much as the new baby."