Crown of Glory Crown of Thorns

Product Code: 9780854129904
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The Salvation Army in Wartime

  • By General Shaw Clifton
  • 559 pages.
  • Published 2015, Salvation Books
This book is dedicated to all Salvationists who served - in whatever capacity - in the three wars which took place between 1899 and 1945. It is dedicated also to those Salvationists who, on grounds of conscience, did not take up combatant roles.

Crown of Glory, Crown of Thorns is a detailed account of Salvation Army work and attitudes in wartime and is based entirely upon my doctoral thesis accepted by the University of London in 1988. It was entitled The Salvation Army's Actions and Attitudes in Wartime: 1899-1945. Copies can be found in the Army's major libraries and heritage centers around the world. Those I have been able to see now and then on my worldwide travels seem to have provided a helpful resource to researches and students and appear well thumbed. This publication brings the work to a wider readership and coincides aptly with the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War.

The Salvation Army had never attempted a formal, systematic analysis of the political or moral issues arising from warfare. It was not possible, therefore, simply to read off Salvationist attitudes to war from official Army statements in wartime since none address the subject directly or comprehensibly. Thus Salvationist attitudes to war have to be discerned by analyzing Salvationist actions in wartime.