Product Description
- By James Northey
- 68 pages.
- Published 1992, The Salvation Army
Everyday sayings are valued and remarkably effective shortcut to understanding. An integral part of our language and culture, they come from many sources and are applicable to varied life situations.
That is why meeting leaders, as well as readers who have a highly developed sense of curiosity, will welcoming Hip! Hip! Hurrah!, which is the third entertaining and informative book of everyday sayings to come from the pen and voluminous files of Major James Northey (R). Like its predecessors ᄀᆰ My Best Togs and Caught Red-Handed this volume follows the helpful pattern of providing a Christian application, plus relevant scripture verses, to well-known sayings. Included in the short chapters as well as personal anecdotes, humor and quotations from Army literature, all woven together with an easy-to-read narrative style.
The large print type, as well as the witty and appropriate illustrations by Salvationist artist Jim Moss, will help to ensure the popularity of Hip! Hip! Hurrah!