I Am A Church Member Thom S Rainer

Product Code: 9781433679735
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Discovering the Attitude that Makes the Difference

  • Thom S. Rainer
  • 79 pages.
  • Published 2013, B&H Publishing Group
excerpt from the introduction

The Journey

Join me on this journey of discovering or rediscovering the privilege and the joy of church membership. And before you get too caught up in the meaning of church membership, take time to read the next brief chapter. Let us then take six steps carefully and prayerfully. And at the end of each step, let us be willing to make a commitment, a real commitment to our church.

When this journey is over for you, two things will likely take place. First, you will likely have a new or renewed attitude about your church. You will learn the joy of being last instead of seeking to the first. Instead of being a whiner complaining about what's wrong with your church, you will be a unifier seeking what's best for your church.

Second, your church will begin to change. It will become healthier because one of its members is healthier. And as the church gets healthier, it will have a greater impact on its community and the world.

We may just discover that the reason our nation is in such bad shape is because our churches are so unhealthy. That lack of health is evident when nine out of ten churches are no longer reaching their communities.

But that can change. With you. Beginning now.
I am a church member.
In these next few pages, you can discover what that really means. Get ready for your life to change. Get ready for your church to change. And watch what an impact your church can have on the community and, indeed, the entire world.

Thom S. Rainer is president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources. A respected pastor and researcher, he has written more than twenty books and coauthored the No. 1 best seller Simple Church. Rainer and his wife, Nellie Jo, have three grown sons, serveral grandchildren, and live in Nashville, Tenessee.