More sermons on sanctification
- By Edward Read
- 306 pages.
- Published 1988
All the sermons in I BELIEVE IN THE DAWN are stimulating, but the one entitled, "Isiah's vision," is worth the price of the whole book. In it, the author recounts the moving story about the deeper experience with God which the famous F. B. Meyer has while listening to an old somewhat boring missionary preach. The contagion of the missionary's closeness to God captivated him. Commissioner Read then makes a profound statement that makes the entire book, useful: 'That story is relevant here because it parallels Isaiah's story. If sensitivity to the Eternal is imprinted at creation, If capacity for communion with the Almighty is part of every humans birthright, as I believe it to be, it is nonetheless true that such capacity is dormant or dead, while a man remains in the natural and depraved condition. But let a man long to meet God, and he may be sure it is God Himself who has created that longing. And with the desire comes the ability." I recommend this volume to the evangelical world as a stimulating challenge to dig deeply in the ways of the sanctifying Spirit.
-Neil Hightower,
President, Canadian Nazarene College