Stay the Course: Challenges to Salvationists from the Book of Acts

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Challenges to Salvationists from the Book of Acts

  • By Andy Miller III
  • 185 pages.
  • Published 2016, The Salvation Army USA Southern Territory
You know how you test the temperature in a pool by barely dipping your toes in the water? Before I began intensively studying the book of Acts, I had only "dipped my toes" into it.
When I needed to talk about conversion, I would go to Acts 9 for Paul's conversion. When I wanted to reflect on the role of the Holy Spirit and the growth of the Church, I would turn to Acts 2. If I needed to focus on unity and conflict resolution, Acts 15, about the Jerusalem Council, was the perfect passage.

When I plunged into studying Acts as a whole, if felt just like that ᄀᆰ a plunge, a total immersion, like doing a cannonball into a pool. As I began to see the big picture and enjoy the details of some of the book's less well-known stories, I found a depth that renewed me for the fight. I came to admire Luke as a master storyteller and historian. At the beginning of his first volume, the Gospel of Luke, he describes how he "carefully investigated everything from the beginning" and "decided to write an orderly account" of the event surrounding Jesus' life. (Luke 1:3) Luke takes the same care to develop the events that follow Jesus' exaltation as the Church is born and matures in Acts.

-Excerpt from the Introduction