- The Salvation Army International Headquarters
- 182 pages.
- Published 1973, Campfield Press
This volume continues the new pattern established with Book One, in presenting biblical truth to young people in such a way as to help them see the Christian faith as being throughly relevant to life todayᄀᆰdespite popular misconceptions to the contrary.
The material here presented has been prepared for young people aged from 14 to 16 years (the 'senior Bible Class', in may corps), as well as for adult groups, and is designed to stimulate a maximum degree of personal participation by group members in discussion.
Naturally, young folk of any given age vary considerably in maturity, and if occasionally the material presented in this book proves too difficult for a group of 14-year-olds, it might be preferable to adapt the notes in Living and Believing for them. On the other hand, youngsters well into their teens ought to be stimulated to think creativelyᄀᆰand from a Christian viewpointᄀᆰabout life in the world around them, and this is the aim of these notes. So give them a fair try first!
The fact that various life situations are discussed fairly throughly before turning to the Bible for guidance does not mean a departure from scripturally based teaching. Quite the reverse! The general attitude of teenagers, in particular, as they emerge into adulthood, is to question, to query, and to seek for truth and significance in life; and this is a healthy sign.
It is your privileged task, as a group leader, to take part in this process in such a way as to help your young folk find their bearings in life, and ultimately to find in commitment to Jesus Christ, and the Christian faith, a fully satisfying basis for their lives.