A London Guide
- By Cyril Barnes
- 72 pages.
- Published 1989, The Campfield Press
Having acted as guide around Army sites in London's East End for many years and having seen the joy on the faces of over 2,000 officers from every country in the Army world, I offer the following in the hope that other will be able to find their own way around.
It has been my privilege to 'discover' a number of hitherto forgotten places, especially in south east London. The locations of some of these are here published for hte first time.
Tribute must be paid to Colonel Robert Sandall under whose leadership I was taken on a tour of Whitechapel and Bethnal Green in 1947, just before he published the first volume of the Army's official history.
Why bother with the past? one may ask; to which the reply is that every time we dig up something from the past we give more meaning to the present. Salvationists have a heritage rich, impressive and fascinating.-C.B
The Army began when William Booth found his destiny in the East End of London in the mid-19th century.? With an admirable economy of words, using maps and photographs, and providing helpful travel information, Cyril Barnes introduces us to the streets and sites of Booth's London. He is a competent guide.? Here are new ideas for fascinating group or family outingsᄀᆰfascinating and purposeful.