Favourite Marches & Hymn Settings of the Salvation Army

Product Code: 4102000030XX
$14.00 - $70.00
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  • 29 Marches & 46 Hymn settings
  • 17 Parts
Title Composer #
Amsterdam Congress Charles Skinner 19
A.R.C. Centennial March Stephen Bulla 3
Balga Citadel Allen Pengilly 5
Brazil '75 Leonard Ballantine 8
Cairo Red Shield Stan Raikes 14
Camp Fellowship Norman Bearcroft 24
Cobham Hall Norman Bearcroft 26
Croydon Citadel Brindley Boon 22
Danforth Citadel Bramwell Coles 20
Etobicoke Youth Erik Silfverberg 1
Hadleigh Camp Ray Steadman-Allen 16
Hollinwood Ray Steadman-Allen 4
In The King's Service Erik Leidzen 12
Minneapolis IV Emil Soderstrom 17
New Commission Martin Cordner 7
Norwich Citadel Albert Drury 25
Powerpoint James Anderson 28
Rosehill Albert Jakeway 15
Rousseau Ray Ogg 11
South Coast Martyn Thomas 6
Spirit of Endeavour Norman Bearcroft 9
The Fount Arthur Gullidge 10
The Young Salvationist Bramwell Coles 18
Victors Acclaimed Bramwell Coles 13
Victory Parade Kenneth Downie 29
Washington Salute 125 Stephen Bulla 27
Wisbech Citadel Albert Gay 21
Zimbabwecentenary Norman Bearcroft 2
Hymn Settings
A Gaelic blessing John Rutter arr. Steadman-Allen 65
Amazing Grace! Richard Phillips 41
As the Deer Martin Nystrom arr. Wright 66 (2)
Be still for the presence of the Lord D.J. Evans arr. Blyth 47 (2)
Blacow F.W. Blacow arr. Scott 43 (1)
Come, beautiful Christ Richard Phillips 36 (2)
Deep and Wide S.E. Cox arr. Mackereth 64
Deep River arr. William Broughton 62
Fall Afresh D. Iverson arr. Mackereth 47 (1)
From earth's confusion Trevor Davis 66 (1)
He cares for me David Chaulk 34
I know thou art mine Leonard Ballantine 55
I love you, Lord L. Klein arr. Davies 63
I need thee Alastair Taylor arr. Kenyon 50 (1)
I vow to thee, my country Holst arr. Steadman-Allen 59 (1)
I will enter his gates Niels Silfverberg 56
In perfect peace Kenneth Downie 57
It is Jesus Joy Webb arr. Wright 32 (2)
Knowing You Graham Kendrick arr. Trevor Davis 61
Lift up the banner Erik Silfverberg 49
Lord, with my all I part Richard Phillips 32 (1)
Make me a channel of your peace Sebastian Temple arr. Himes 38
Martyn Wilfred Heaton 48 (1)
'Mid all the Traffic Leonard Ballantine 48 (2)
Morning Star Ian Robinson 31
Of Whom I sing Grieg arr. Ballantine 50 (2)
People need the Lord Nelson & McHugh, trs. Davies 60
Peter, James and John Ray Steadman-Allen 39
Pie Jesu - Cornet solo Faure trs. Kevin Norbury 42 (1)
Praise him with song! Howard Davies 45
Prayer of childhood - Cornet solo Leslie Condon 42 (2)
Prayer of Thanksgiving William Himes 33
Reverie Kenneth Downie 54
Sacrament Kenneth Downie 40
Serenity Eric Ball 30
Share my yoke - Cornet solo Joy Webb arr. Bosanko 43 (2)
Someone cares - Cornet solo John Larsson arr. Steadman-Allen 51
Stand up for Jesus! G.J. Webb arr. Silfverberg 35
Standing somewhere in the shadows Kenneth Downie 44
Swing Hosanna Ty Watson 37
The Pearl Erik Silfverberg 36 (1)
The Reason - Cornet solo Christopher Cole 52
This is my story - Cornet solo Krister Lundkvist 58
Thy will to see C.H. Scott arr. Wright 59 (2)
Whiter than the snow William Himes 46
You know that we love you! Howard Davies 53