A book for the bereaved from a Christian perspective
- By Commissioner Harry Read
- 118 pages.
- Published 2010, Salvation Books
A 20-year old 'veteran' of the Normandy landings (parachuted in behind enemy lines, very early on the morning of D-Day), Harry Read was demobilized and entered The Salvation Army's officer training college in 1947, where he met former schoolteacher Winifred Humphries. Married in 1950, they were blessed by the births of their children John, Peter (who sadly only lived for a few days) and Margaret. As Salvation Army officers, for 40 years Harry and Win fulfilled pastoral, training, public relations and administrative appointments in Britain, Canada and Australia. Then in retirement, Win became a hospital chaplain and Harry wrote Words of Life, daily readings published jointly by The Salvation Army and Hodder & Stoughton. In 2007, Win collapsed and died. This book is based on Commissioner Read's experiences of bereavement.