The simple secret to discovering and enjoying animating spiritual contentment and profoundly divine fulfillment throughout all your years and into eternity.
- By Phil Laeger & Stephen Court
- 111 pages.
- Published 2020, Boundless Books
How can one find peace during the storms of life?
Surely, this question that has beleaguered many for eons. For this generation, Stephen Court and Phil Laeger have unveiled a secret, unlocked a mystery, unwrapped a "precious" and gifted it to us: STAYED is not a formula, nor a magic potion, nor a mantra, but an essential spiritual practice to keep us centered and focused on the Creator of the Universe, Yahweh Elohim.
Christian philosopher Dallas Willard has said, "If meditation is the secret to the spiritual life, then silence and solitude are its hinges." Silence and solitude are RARE ingredients in our cosmic cuisine these days. Noise is tantamount to blunt force trauma to our souls. Activities at the speed of our smartphones, with all their beeps and buzzes, commit violence to our very beings. We need STAYED in order to properly realign our priorities to the ancient rhythms found in the life of Jesus Christ.
As I am writing this foreword, I am sitting in a local garage, awaiting the completion of repairs to my car. I am thinking that after a flurry of tasks and phone calls, I can finally get a bit of rest. Soon I overhear and argument over the price of a repair; the unsatisfied customer is bellowing a strong of expletives that would make a sailor blush. The antiphon from this unheavenly choir is the high-speed whirr and rattle of the air wrench, applying mighty force to the lug nuts to a tire (hopefully mine!).
We receive much violence to our souls through the senses in this wrong-side-up world in which we live.
STAYED gives us pause: time and space and witness with whom we cultivate that rare solitude and silence. The beautiful blossoms of this communion are intimacy with Yahweh, a soul like a sea of glass, and rivers of peace beyond our understanding.
Enjoy the journey.ᄀᆰCaptain Charles Roberts
West Hempstead, Long Island, New York