Christian Living

  • No Heart More Tender

    No Heart More Tender

    A book for the bereaved from a Christian perspective By Commissioner Harry Read 118 pages. Published 2010, Salvation Books A 20-year old 'veteran' of the Normandy landings (parachuted in behind enemy lines, very early on the morning of...

  • The Devil's Army

    The Devil's Army

    By Frederick St. George de Lautour Booth-Tucker 136 pages. Published 2006 Cross & Crown Publications Originally Printed in The Officer 1895-1896 The year 1895The Devil's Army is up to its usual tricks,war and vice forced upon...

  • Heritage of Holiness


    A compilation of papers on the historical background of holiness teaching The Salvation Army 110 pages. Published 1987 ForewordThis compilation of nine papers contained in the "Heritage of Holiness" is the result of combined efforts of...

  • Excursions in Thought


    By Jean Brown 90 pages. Published 1980, The Salvation Army A random but choice selection from the writings of Mrs. General Arnold Brown, wife of the International Leader of The Salvation Army, to the 'never mets' and 'all other...

  • Heartwork of Hope: A Directed Journal

    Heartwork of Hope: A Directed Journal

    By Joann Streeter Shade 146 pages. Published 2006, Others Press This directed journal opens new possibilities for the soul to breathe the presence of God. -Elaine A. Heath, Ph.D.Perkins School of TheologyA tool for discovering the...

  • A Passion for Purity

    A Passion for Purity

    Studies in Sanctification By Edward Read 124 pages. Published 1975, The Salvation Army Edward Read was born and raised on a farm in Eastern Canada. As a young man he met The Salvation Army in Parrsboro, Nova Scotia, was converted,...

  • Who is This Jesus Anyway?

    WHO IS THE JESUS ANYWAY? Robert Street

    By Robert Street 78 pages. Published 2018, OneArmy An uncomplicated look at Jesus ᄀᆰ What impact he has made and what difference he might make to anyone open to finding outThe Dignity of ChoiceWho is this Jesus anyway? is for anyone...

  • Boston Common

    Boston Common

    Salvationist Perspectives on Holiness Edited by Stephen Court 160 pages. Published 2010, The Salvation Army The name Samuel Logan Brengle is synonymous with holiness. Brengle testified to receiving 'such a blessing I never had dreamed...

  • Another Pentecost?

    Another Pentecost?

    By William Metcalf 54 pages. Published 1989 revised edition, Challenge Books The purpose of this book is to provide a brief study of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit so that 'the gifts' may be seen in the context of the New Testament. ...

  • Holiness Unwrapped


    To Be Like Jesus By Robert Street 111 pages. Notes section in back Published 2005, The Salvation Army Learning how to live a holy life shouldn't be complicated. The special attraction of holiness Unwrapped is that it gets to the...

  • Holy Spirit: Friend & Counselor

    Holy Spirit: Friend & Counselor

    By Milton S. Agnew 340 pages. Published 1980, The Salvation Army The place of the Holy Spirit in the Trinity and His work among men, especially in His special baptism of believers, is the central theme of this comprehensive study. ...

  • Social Holiness


    The Company We Keep By Jonathan S. Raymond 171 pages. Published 2018 Aldersgate Press in collaboration with Crest Books I welcome this timely book on social holiness for several reasons. First, and more importantly God the Trinity...

  • Holiness Incorporated


    Proposing a vision of holiness as applied to the corporate, this book offers several 'trajectories' to be held in creative tension against familiar, cautious and excessive tendencies that threated corporate holiness. ...

  • Beside Still Waters

    Beside Still Waters

    Great Prayers of the Bible for Today By Marlene Chase 102 pages. Published 2005, The Salvation Army Some prayers contained in the Bible as well as in classic and contemporary literature are beautifully phrased, powerfully structured...

  • Someone Cared

    Someone Cared

    Prose and prayers inspired by the poetry of John Gowans By Rob Birks 127 pages. Published 2014, FrontierPress THE POET, JOHN GOWANS (former international leader of The Salvation Army), wrote love songs.? His most popular in Salvation...
